Monday, May 02, 2005

Tour of Romandie

The Prologue Time Trial was in ye olde towne Geneve last Tuesday. It is pretty cool to have a ProTour race happening just a few blocks from your work... Some pictures turned out pretty well, but it I've seen better.

Discovery's Beppu - the only Japanese guy on a ProTour Team.

Pettachi spending some rare time going fast on his TT bike.

Some Gerolsteiner guy getting the 'big meat' up to speed.

Joseba Beloki (wishing for better days) on his way to setting one of the slowest times of the day. I think his handlebars fell off about 500m further on. That's why the pay the mechanics the big bucks.

An Iles Baleares rider going through the old gates of the city.

Itty bitty lil' Roberto Heras getting ready for his start.

Oscar Pereiro warming up by the Phonak bus and getting ready to open up a can of woop ass enroute to posting the fastest time of the day

Roberto Heras and the rest of the Liberty boyz getting harrased by a course marshal (actually the course marshals were all pretty cool and relaxed... not like the US. When it is the 59th Tour of Romandie, the chances of it there not being a 60th because some dopey old biddie got upset is pretty remote)

Nicholas Roche after getting one of the premium last starts of the day, because he has an ...err... famous father?

Jörg Jaksche hauling some serious speed through three to go turn.

Oscar Pereiro enroute to winning the race. Although not on the aerobars here, it was obvious he was carrying alot of speed.

Pettachi, on his way away from medical control, wanting to know if P-Nourmous "is TALKING TO" him. Also wanting to know if he wants to wake up with a horse head in his bed.


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