Sunday, February 20, 2005

Apologies to Mike Jones (not the one in Culver City)

(Eugene, OR and Boston, MA) - I have been acused of being overly verbose in the reporting of my "boring ass blog." So here I give you M'aam, just the facts.

-The number of universities I have visited in the US this week: 2
-The number I visit in the US next month: 2
-The chances I give myself of finding a job this time around: 50/50
-The time difference between Geneva Switzerland and Eugene OR: 9
-The amount of hours less than would put it completely on the other side of world: 3
-The number of seperate connecting flight I will have had in 7 days since I left Geneva one week ago: 9
-The number of bad airplane meals I have had: 9
-The number of first class upgrades I have asked for: 2
-The number of times it has worked: 0
-The number of times I have tried to talk my way into the
Continental's Presidents Club Lounge as 'Norman Armitage': 3
-The number of times it has worked: 0
-The last time I got 'somethingfornothing': 61 days ago
-The number of 'close talkers' I have set next to on various planes: 2
-The number of times I introduced myself to my seatmates, immediately upon sitting down, like I told Nicola I would: 0
-The number of times I wanted to talk or even make eye contact with my seatmates: 0
-The number of paunchy seat over-filling middle aged old men that smelled vaguely of Clavette or Gruyere whom I sat next to on the first leg of my journey: 1
-The number of showers I wish my seatmate on the flight out of Geneva had taken recently: at least 1.
-The number of supermodels I sat next to: 0
-The number of supermodels I have ever sat next to: 0
-The number of supermodels I have ever met: 0
-Number of my bags lost by United between
Eugene and Boston: 1
-Number of bags I had: 1
-How long I expect it will take for said bag to be delivered to me in Geneva: Forever

-The number of times I have seen any anime film at all: 0
-The number of seperate 20 min spiels to faculty I have given about my future research this week: ~32
-How good I was at it by the end: very
-How tired of it was I by the end: very
-Number of voice boxes totally seized up so that I completely can't talk: 1
-The number of times I have ever lost my voice before: 0
-The number of days I have been a functional mute: 2
-The number of people who have said, "You don't have to yell at me!" when I croaked out a question through my schreetchy voice: 2
-The number of times I have protested, "Iuumm nottt yeellling... I juuusst can't talk!": 2
-The number of pairs of underwear more I wish I had packed: 2 maybe 3
-The number of petulant little sisters I have: amazingly only 1, but it seems like a 100.
-The number of relevant hits that comes up in a Google search for 'Alexandra Connell Princeton': 4
-Amount of time I spent looking for an online photo of her to post instead of 'fire ninjas': 2.5 minutes
-Number of online images I found: 0
-The number hits you have go down the list before finding a 'non-me' hit when doing a Google search on my name: 4
-The amount of good that does me: 0

-The number of times a week I google my own name: on a good week 1; on a bad week 3-4

-Hours still to kill in Logan airport before getting my flight to Newark: 3.5


At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The number of sons that write a blog 1 the number of sons that write a intersting blog 1 eat your hart out isch dad


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