Thursday, September 08, 2005

Activist Legislatures?

First we had the social reactionaries decrying the "activist judges" (and here), and now we learning about activist legislatures.

Schwarzenegger is going to veto the new gay marriage legislation in California. This is legislation debated, modified, and voted upon by that most democratic of governing bodies, a legislature. If Schwarzenegger wants to derail that for a desire to pander to the hysterical right that is his prerogative as executive. What I find amusing (sad) about this is the spin that is surrounding it from his handlers and supporters.

"We cannot have a system where the people vote and the Legislature derails that vote," the governor's press secretary, Margita Thompson, said in a statement.


"I'm encouraged that the governor is going to stop the runaway Legislature, and he's going to represent the people," said Karen England of the Capitol Resource Institute, a Sacramento group that lobbied against the bill.

Hmmm... runaway legislatures.... represent the people....

Good talk. Good talk. I guess this has become the fashionable knee jerk slur in the public sphere ..."Activism." Anytime another group is the public sphere does something you disagree with one labels them as 'runaway' or worse ... 'activism' (...shudder...). Do these people even know what a legislature is supposed to do? It is supposed to make laws. And sometimes these laws supercede directly voted upon propositions. Big Whup.

Has Schwarzenegger finally jumped the shark with this one?


At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.
H.L. Mencken


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